
Daniel Kohlsdorf
Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Enthusiast


Short paper CV [PDF] or on google docs . You can also check my google scholar profile .

Doctoral Thesis 2015
Data Mining In Large Audio Collections Of Dolphin Signals
Prof. Dr. Thad Starner ( Georgia Tech )
Prof. Dr. Irfan Essa ( Georgia Tech )
Prof. Dr. Charles Isbell ( Georgia Tech )
Prof. Dr. Denise Herzing ( Wild Dolphin Project / Florida Atlantic University )
Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz ( University Bremen )

Diploma Thesis 2011:
Motion Gesture: False Positive Prediction and Prevention
Winner of the Contact Software Prize
Prof. Dr. Michael Lawo ( University Bremen ),
Prof. Dr. Thad Starner ( Georgia Tech )

  • Meta - Senior Software Engineer (machine learning, audience building and targeting) 2022-current
  • Shopify - Senior Data Scientist (e-commerce, adtech, machine learning) 2021-2022
  • Wild Dolphin Project - Freelance Data Scientist (Audio Processing, Bioacoustics, Deep Learning, Machine Learning) 2020-2022
  • New Work SE (formerly Xing AG/SE) - Senior Data Scientist (Recommender Systems, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing) 2018-2021
  • New Work SE (formerly Xing AG/SE) - Data Scientist (Recommender Systems, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing) 2015-2018
  • University Bremen - Research Assistant in Summer Semester (Machine Learning for Robots) 2013-2014
  • Georgia Tech - Graduate Research Assistant (Machine Learning, Perception, Dolphin Communication and Behavior) 2012 - Aug 1015
  • University Bremen - Researcher (Multi Agent Systems, Data Mining) 2011 - 2012
  • Team Neusta - Software Developer (iOS, Android, JBoss) 2011 - 2012
  • University Bremen - Student Researcher (Wearables, Data Mining, Gesture Recognition) 2007 - 2011
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) [3.7] (German 1.3) in Computer Science at Georgia Tech:
    With a focus on intelligent systems and research in dolphin communication mining and gesture reconition. Classes focused around artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and internet systems. Minor classes in bioinformatics and neuro imaging and psychology.
  • Diplom Informatik [3.8] (German 1.2) Universitaet Bremen:
    Coursework mainly in intelligent systems. Research in data mining for gesture recognition and wearable computing. Also part of a two year student project on machine learning for intrusion detection systems.
Journal Publications And Book Chapters
  • Denise L. Herzing, Adam A. Pack, Fabienne Delfour, Thad Starner, Celeste Mason, Scott Gilliland, Charles Ramey, Daniel Kohlsdorf: Imitation of Computer-Generated Sounds by Wild Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis), Animal Behavior Cognition, Vol 11, Issue 2, May 2024 [pdf]
  • Katja Niemann, Daniel Kohlsdorf and Fabian Abel: Collaborative Recommendations, Chapter 17: Job Recommendations: The XING Case, World Scientific, 2018 [pdf]
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Denise Herzing and Thad Starner Methods for Discovering Models of Behavior: A Case Study with Wild Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Animal Behavior and Cognition, November 2016 [pdf]
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Thad Starner: MAGIC Summoning: Towards automatic suggesting and testing of gestures with low probability of false positives during use, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Volume 14, 2013 [pdf]
    Also Available as a book chapter: Gesture Recognition
  • Claas Ahlrichs, Daniel Kohlsdorf, Michael Lawo, Gerrit Kalkbrenner: IT-ASSIST: Towards usable applications for elderly people, International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 2011
International Conferences
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Denise Herzing and Thad Starner: "An Auto Encoder For Audio Dolphin Communication", IJCNN 2020, Juli 2020.
  • Ramey, Gilliliand, Kolhsdorf, Starner: "Wear-a-CUDA: A GPU Based Dolphin Whistle Recognizer for Underwater Wearable Computers", ISWC 2018, 2018
  • Abel, Deldjoo, Elahi, Kohlsdorf: "RecSys Challenge 2017: O line and Online Evaluation", RecSys 2017, 2017
  • Abel, Benczúr, Kohlsdorf, Larson, Pálovics: "RecSys Challenge 2016: Job Recommendations", RecSys 2016 , 2016
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Denise Herzing, Thad Starner: Feature Learning and Automatic Segmentation for Dolphin Communication Analysis, Interspeech16, 2016
  • Tamas Motajcsek, Jean-Yves Le Moine, Paolo Cremonesi, Kristaps Dobrajs, Frank Hopfgartner, Franca Garzotto, Ayse Goeker, Daniel Kohlsdorf, Andrew Demetriou, Martha Larson, Andreas Lommatzsch, Davide Malagoli, Ngoc Nguyen Thuy, Jasminko Novak, Francesco Ricci, Mario Scriminaci, Domonkos Tikk, Marko Tkalcic, Anna Zacchi and Omar Alonso: Algorithms Aside, Recommendation as the Lens of Life Recsys16, 2016
  • Andrei Haidu, Daniel Kohlsdorf, Michael Beetz: Learning Action Failure Models from Interactive Physics-based Simulations, IROS 2015, 2015
  • James Clawson, Thad Starner, Daniel Kohlsdorf, David Quigley, Scott Gilliland: Texting While Walking: An Evaluation of Mini-QWERTY Text Input while On-the-Go, Mobile HCI, Will be published 2014
  • Andrei Haidu, Kohlsdorf Daniel, Michael Beetz: Learning Task Outcome Prediction for Robot Control from Interactive Environments, IROS 2014, 2014
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Thad Starner, Celeste Mason, Denise Herzing: Probabilistic Extraction and Discovery of Fundamental Units in Dolphin Whistles, ICASSP 2014, 2014
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Scott Gilliland, Peter Presti, Thad Starner, and Denise Herzing: An Underwater Wearable Computer for Two Way Human-Dolphin Communication Experimentation, ISWC13, 2013
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Thad Starner, Daniel Ashbrook: MAGIC 2.0: A Web Tool for False Positive Prediction and Prevention for Gesture Recognition Systems , FG' 11, 2011
  • Kevin Huang, Daniel Kohlsdorf, Claas Ahlrichs, Thad Starner, Rüdiger Leibrandt, Ellen Do: Mobile Music Touch: Mobile Tactile Stimulation For Passive Learning, CHI2010 Proceedings, 2010
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Thad Starner: Mobile Music Touch: The Effect of Primary Tasks on Passively Learning Piano Sequences, ISWC 2010, 2010
  • Dominik Elsbroek, Daniel Kohlsdorf, Dominik Menke, Lars Meyer: FIDIUS: Intelligent Support for Vulnerability Testing Proceedings of SecArt2011, 2011
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Michael Lawo, Michael Boronowsky: A Mobile Application for Survey Reports: An Evaluation, HCI Proceedings, 2009
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Michael Lawo, Claas Ahlrichs: IT-ASSIST: Digital Media for elderly people, DAI09 Proceedings, 2009
German Conferences
  • Claas Ahlrichs, Daniel Kohlsdorf, Gerret Kalkbrenner Michael Lawo IT-ASSIST: Entwicklung eines IT-gestützten Assistenzsystems für ältere Menschen, 5ter Deutscher AAL Kongress, Will be published 2011
  • Daniel Kohlsdorf, Michael Lawo, Hendrik Iben, Erik Koch: Nutzerstudie zur Evaluierung des Scipio Handschuhs und des Nintendo Wii Controlers, Berliner Mensch Maschine Werkstadt Proceedings, 2009
  • Michael Lawo, Claas Ahlrichs, Gerret Kalkbrenner, Daniel Kohlsdorf: Nutzerschnittstelle für die Zielgruppe der über 70 jährigen, Tagungsband der eHealth2010,2010
  • Claas Ahlrichs, Daniel Kohlsdorf, Michael Lawo: Google earth im Handumdrehen, vielmehr08 Proceedings, 2008
  • National Geographics article about our work with the wild dolphin project [Online Article]
  • Outside Magazine 2012, September Issue: Talk to Me, I am mentioned for work on my Dolphin Vocalization work with Stewart Butler and Thad Starner. [online article]
Invited Talks Reviewing and Community Services
  • Interspeech Reviews 2023
  • ICASSP Reviews 2023
  • Interspeech Reviews 2022
  • ICASSP Reviews 2022
  • Alpha Tester Deeplearning.ai NLP [Certificate]
  • ICASSP Reviews 2021
  • IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing
  • ACM Imwut 2020
  • Interspeech 2020
  • ICASSP Reviews 2020
  • Interspeech Reviews 2019
  • ICASSP Reviews 2019
  • RecSys 2018 Posters and Demos
  • Interspeech Review 2018
  • IUI 2018 Poster & Demo review
  • ICASSP Review 2018
  • AAAI Review 2018
  • Transactions of Interactive Intelligent Systes 2017
  • Interspeech Review 2017
  • IUI Review 2017
  • ICASSP Review 2017
  • AAAI Review 2017
  • ISWC Review 2016
  • Interspeeech Review 2016
  • Organiser of the Recommender Systems Challange 2017
  • Organiser of the Recommender Systems Challange 2016 organized by the Xing AG
  • Transactions on Accessible Computing 2015
  • Marine Mammal Science Review 2015
  • ISWC 2014 Reviews
  • Helping on ECCV 2014 reviews
  • ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems 2013
  • Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2013
  • ISWC 2013
  • MobileHCI 2013
  • ISWC 2012 Reviewing papers for sensing and gestures
  • Helping on Review for Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
  • Guest Lecture "Automating Machine Learning": Xing Recommenders, XGBoost and Word2Vec, Hyperparameter Optimization, Jacobs University, Sept. 2020
  • Guest Lecture "Minimizing the Rage": Xing Recommenders, XGBoost and Word2Vec, Uni Bremen, Jan 2018 slides: [pdf]
  • Guest Lecture about Recommender Systems at University Lueneburg, Jan 2017
  • Georgia Tech, Fall 2014: Artificial Intelligence, CS 6601 [DecisionTrees] [NLP] Teaching Assistant
  • Tutorial on Restricted Bolzman Machines 2014: [pdf]
  • Georgia Tech, Fall 2013: Artificial Intelligence, CS 6601 Teaching Assistant
  • University Bremen, Winter Semester 2011: Tutorium Suche, Künstliche Intelligenz (Artificial Intelligence, TA for search algorithms)
  • Gatech Spring, Spring Semester 2012: Guest Lecture on Activity Discovery, (Artificial Intelligence, CS 6601)
  • Gatech Spring, Winter Semester 2012: "Fun with unlabeled sequential data" Guest Lecture on Motif Discovery and False Positive Prediction in Gesture System. (Artificial Intelligence, CS 6601)
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Speech Recognition
  • Text Mining and Information Retrieval
  • Wearable and Mobile Computing
  • Artifical Intelligence
  • Programming: Scala/Java/Cpp/Python/Rust/SQL
Generative AI with Large Language Models (finished January 2024) [pdf]

AlgoExpert.io: 100 Questions (finished Januar 2022) [pdf]

Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree on Udacity (finished May 2020): [pdf]

Natural Language Processing Nanodegree on Udacity (finished Feb 2020): [pdf]

TensorFlow in Practice Specialization on Coursera (finished Aug 2019): [pdf]:
  • Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned May 4, 2019 [pdf]
  • Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned August, 2019 [pdf]
  • Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned August, 2019 [pdf]
  • Sequences, Time Series and Prediction by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned August, 2019 [pdf]

Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera (finished Feb 2018) [pdf] :
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 14, 2017 [pdf]
  • Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 16, 2017 [pdf]
  • Structuring Machine Learning Projects by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned on August 14, 2017 [pdf]
  • Convolutional Neural Networks by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned on November 3, 2017 [pdf]
  • Sequence Models by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. Certificate earned February, 2018 [pdf]

Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform on Coursera:
  • Google Cloud Platform Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals on Coursera (Feb 2018) [pdf]
Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform (June 2018): [pdf]
  • How Google does Machine Learning on Coursera (May 2018) [pdf]
  • Launching into Machine Learning (May 2018) [pdf]
  • Intro to TensorFlow (June 2018) [pdf]
  • Feature Engineering (Jun 2018) [pdf]
  • Art and Science of Machine Learning (Jun 2018) [pdf]
    Blockchain Basics by University at Buffalo / The State University of New York on Coursera. Certificate earned at Saturday, May 4, 2019 [pdf]
Classes Taken at Georgia Tech
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models
  • Complexity and Computability
  • Bio Informatics
  • Advanced Internet Computing and Applications
  • Introduction to Graduate Studies
  • Data Analysis and Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Neuro Imaging
Classes Taken at University Bremen
  • Programming 1 - Java OOP
  • Programming 2 - Algorithms in Java
  • Programming 3 - Haskell functional programming
  • Math 1 - Logic and Linear Algebra
  • Math 2 - Analysis
  • Theoretical Computer Science 1 - Automata and Languages
  • Theoretical Computer Science 2 - Algorithms, Complexity and Computability
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Logic - Theory and Prolog programming
  • Algorithm Engineering
  • Technical Computing 1 - Architecture
  • Technical Computing 2 - Operating Systems
  • Agile Web Development in Ruby on Rails
  • Networking
  • Bio Inspired Pattern Recognition
  • Soft Computing
  • Realtime Computer Vision
  • Wearable Computing
  • Computer Security
  • Syntactical Methods of Image Creation
  • Computer Games and Interactive Installations
  • Web 2.0 Frontend Development
  • Ethics in Computing
  • Methods and Tool in AI
  • Computer Music
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Bases