Time Series Segmentation with Hidden Markov Models

by Daniel Kohlsdorf



This is an interactive demo visualizing algorithms for hidden Markov models on continuous time series. A hidden Markov model is a probabilistic model for time series. In other words, a hidden Markov model is an abstract representation of a time series: X = {x1 ... xT} . The model can be regarded as a probabilistic state machine with a finite number of states: S = {s1 ... 1N} . Transitions are defined by a probabilistic transition function P(s|s') which indicates the probability of switching from state s to state s' . It also defines a observation function P(x|s) that indicates how probable a state is given an observation from the time series. There are two main questions that arise given a model and a time series: Decoding can be solved using the Viterbi recursion and parameter estimation can be solved using the Baum Welch algorithm. Pointers to references can be found below and I encourage the reader to follow at least through half of the Rabiner paper. However, what I want to discuss here is how hidden Markov models can be used to segment a time series, which in turn will give insight in how hidden Markov models work. The high level idea is that we can estimate the parameters of a hidden Markov model for a time series and then find the maximum path through the estimated model for the same time series. If we backtrack the path, will get a sequence of states. Each state on the path indicates an assignment from a sample from the time series X into the state space S. While speech recognition is a supervised task often solved with hidden Markov models, the algorithms underneath solve an unsupervised problem: segmentation. The following interactive demo shows segmentation for continuous time series with a simplified one dimensional hidden Markov model.


Number of training iterations: Number of states:

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